ALBERTA - Contract Nurse Training Program
Aperçu des sections
- ISC Clinical Practice Guidelines (Adult and Paediatric)
- Pre-orientation administrative documents
1.3 - This module introduces Contract Nurses to Canadian Health Care Agency. It reviews the Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) Scope of Practice statement, and contains administrative instructions and logistical tools for successful employment and scheduling.
This module uses didactic instruction and practice review of administrative and logistical tools, including use of the online Learning Management System (LMS), online Scheduling Software, Completion of timesheets, etc. -
2.1 Required Pre-Reading
- ISC Clinical Care Pathways: Adult Guidelines Intro (p. 2-4)
- ANAC: Cultural Competence and Cultural Safety in Nursing Education - A Framework for First Nations, Inuit and Metis Nursing
- SOGC: Indigenous Companion Piece
- Trauma Informed: The Trauma Toolkit
Content in this module is derived from the Aboriginal Nurses' Association of Canada document: "Cultural Competence and Cultural Safety in Nursing Education - A Framework for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nursing".
2.3 - In this module, Contract Nurses will work toward reconciliation through delivery of health care. They will develop a better understanding of Cultural Safety, and how it relates to the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Contract Nurses will recognize who Indigenous Peoples are and define terms that are used to refer to Indigenous Peoples in Canada. This module will also review Indigenous culture and history, and will explore ways in which Contract Nurses can deliver care, respecting traditions and culture.
Contract Nurses will develop the ability to establish a positive therapeutic relationship and open communication with Indigenous clients and their families, characterized by understanding, trust, respect, honesty and empathy.
Socio-cultural and political factors that are health-protective will be explored, as well as those factors which undermine the health of Indigenous peoples and place them at risk for increased morbidity and mortality. Discussion of how basic human rights (e.g. adequate housing, employment) are "out of reach" for many if not most Indigenous peoples.
Contract Nurses will analyze and understand the limitations of their knowledge and perspective and incorporate new ways of seeing, valuing and understanding the health and health practices of Indigenous peoples.
Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that explores Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores key issues facing Indigenous peoples today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations.
Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions.
This national webinar series provides an opportunity to share knowledge; experiences and perspectives in support of collective efforts to strengthen Indigenous cultural safety in health and social services.
- Setting the Context for Indigenous Cultural Safety: Facing Racism in Health
- Racism and Privilege in the Everyday
- The “Raced” Body: Reflecting on Clinical Encounters
- Racism, Reconciliation, and Indigenous Cultural Safety
- Deconstructing Racism Strategies for Organizational Change
- Critical Race Theory and its Implication for Indigenous Cultural Safety
- Indigenous Health Equity: Examining Racism as an Indigenous Social Determinant of Health
- Addressing Anti-Indigenous Racism in Health Care: Strategies for Implementing System-level Change
- Cultural Safety in the Classroom: Addressing Anti-Indigenous Racism in Education Settings
- Racism Hurts: Exploring the Health Impacts of Anti-Indigenous Racism
- Decolonizing Anti-Racism
- ISC Clinical Care Pathways: Adult Guidelines Intro (p. 2-4)
3.1 Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Intro (p. 4-7)
- CHCA Workplace Harassment Policy
3.2 - Lecture Time: 1 hour
3.3 - This module introduces Contract Nurses to the workplace environment, reviews procedures for medical consultation, coordinating schedevac/ medevac patient transfers, including forms and procedures required for consultation, transfer and evacuation of patient to other agencies and hospitals, or health professionals.
Contract Nurses will also review their role as referral agent, and discuss inter-agency collaboration through various methods of communication and consultation including telemedicine.
This module further discusses the use of Service Administration Log, common types of reportable occurrences and how to effectively manage them, as well as recognition and management of workplace harassment and bullying.
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Intro (p. 4-7)
4.1 Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Intro (p. 12-22)
- ISC - AB - Confidentiality 2018
- ISC - AB - Document charting appendix A 2018
- ISC - AB - Document Charting appendix B 2018
- ISC - AB - Document charting appendix C 2018
- ISC - AB - Document Charting appendix D 2018
- ISC - AB - Document Charting 2018
- CARNA - Documentation Standards for Regulated Members
4.2 - Lecture Time: 2 hours
4.3 - This module gives Contract Nurses the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts and practice skills to understand the expectations of Contract Nurses when documenting client care. Clear, comprehensive and accurate documentation is an integral part of safe and effective nursing practice.Topics include: the principles of SOAP documentation, the Contract Nurse's accountability when documenting; and how to maintain security of confidential information. Contract Nurses will then discuss triage and telemedicine, and discuss components of a high-quality telephone triage system. They will summarize the essential aspects of good communication required for triage, and identify how language barrier, cultural norms, rules of thumb, cognitive biases and other distractors influence triage decision making.
5.1 Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Intro (p. 9-11)
- FNIHB Policy and Procedures on Controlled Substances
- RESOURCE: Naloxone Injection Guideline
- RESOURCE: Link - Canadian TB Standards
5.3 - Contract Nurses will examine pharmacological concepts and nursing practices required to safely care for clients in need of pharmacological treatments. General principles of pharmacology, common drug classifications, principles of medication preparation and administration including drug calculations, and related regulatory competencies are studied. Contract Nurses will learn to safely initiate prescription drugs and therapeutics based on assessment data.This module provides Contract Nurses with the opportunity to develop calculation skills necessary for the safe administration of medications. Emphasis is on caring for clients on drug therapy, interactions of drugs, psycho/social aspects of drug use, legal control over drugs and health teaching.
Contract Nurses will also become more familiar with Drug Formularies for the different Zones, Drug Classification System for prescribing and calculating drug doses for the paediatric population as well as renal dosing.
Contract Nurses will also review and understand the controlled substance policies, and become familiar with the Controlled Substance Register, counting, handling and wastage of controlled substances.
Contract Nurses will become familiar with Direct Observed Therapy (DOT) for the treatment of Active and Latent Tuberculosis, and gain and understanding of the role and responsibilities of the Community Health Nurse in directing this program.
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Intro (p. 9-11)
6.1 Required Pre-Reading:
6.1.1 COURSE: Transport of Dangerous Goods (PHAC)6.2 - Class Time: 2.0 hours
6.3 - Contract Nurses have sound working knowledge of all lab requisitions and how to complete them correctly. They will determine the need for the appropriate laboratory or diagnostic tests and how to processes each test. Contract Nurses will prioritizes specimen processing to ensure accuracy and avoid multiple collections and take steps to ensure that lab and diagnostic equipment are available and operational when needed; by performing daily/ weekly/ monthly quality assurance testing.
Contract Nurses will understand how to perform venipuncture on clients across the lifespan and perform the correct specimen collection appropriate to treatment settings. They will learn to interpret diagnostic laboratory or diagnostic results and respond appropriately. Contract Nurses will identify all available point-of-care tests, understand how to provide and interpret the results, in order to guide treatment and management of the patient. They will demonstrate sound decision-making skills related to lab testing and ongoing screening and lab or diagnostic testing. Contract Nurses will come to understand scope of practice in relation to all laboratory and diagnostic testing and able to refer and consult as appropriate. They will take steps to ensure that equipment is available and operational e.g., Glucometer, HemoCue
Contract Nurses will demonstrate understanding of the following: use of the centrifuge, procedures for Point of Care testing (POCT): Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate; Stat Haemoglobin; Urine HCG; Fecal Occult Blood Testing and Interpretation; Urinalysis, 24 hour urine collection, urine for microbiology; Haematology and Chemistry Specimen Processing.
The CHCA Student enrolment key can be obtained from Angeline Goldsworthy.
Please email:
At this time, Alberta region has not authorized contract nurses to deliver Immunizations.
Therefore the information provided below is for information purposes only.
8.1 - Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Paediatric Guidelines - Chapter 18-1 to 18-25 - Communicable Diseases
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines Adult Guidelines - Chapter 11 - Communicable Diseases
- Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections
- ISC - AB - STBBI Test and Treat Policy Oct 2019
8.3 - Contract Nurses will discuss a variety of communicable diseases and infections that affect both the adult and paediatric populations, including tuberculosis. They will learn to perform comprehensive assessments using an organized approach to assess chief complaint, history of present illness, sexual history as required and perform a relevant physical exam to screen for communicable diseases or sexually transmitted infections.
Contract Nurses will understand and determine the need for the appropriate diagnostic tests (blood work, or urine/ swab for culture) required to test for communicable diseases and sexually transmitted infections, and learn how to discuss assessment and laboratory findings with the client, recognizing the need and performing contact tracing if necessary.
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Paediatric Guidelines - Chapter 18-1 to 18-25 - Communicable Diseases
9.1 - Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Paediatric Guidelines
- Chapter 1 – Paediatric Health Assessment
- Chapter 3 – Paediatric Prevention and Health Maintenance
- Chapter 5 – Child Maltreatment
- Chapter 7 – Nutrition
9.3 - Contract Nurses will be able to complete focused assessments, recognize deviations from normal, analyze findings and develop differential diagnoses that can help identify urgent and emergency problems in the otherwise well neonate, infant and child. they will perform screening assessments for well baby and well child visits, and understand and determine the need for further consultation, screening and diagnostic tests.
Contract Nurses will be able to discuss health assessment findings with clients and will be able to make appropriate prevention recommendations. They will also understand family structures, determine how to conduct a family assessment and assessment and assist families in accessing resources to meet health needs of their child.
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Paediatric Guidelines
10.1 - Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines: Paediatric Guidelines
- Chapter 2 - Paediatric Procedures
- Chapter 4 - Fluid Management
- Chapter 6 - Dysfunctional Problems of Childhood
- Chapter 9 - Ears Nose Throat and Mouth (Otitis Media, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis)
- Chapter 10 - Respiratory (Bronchiolitis)
- Chapter 11 - Cardiology (Rheumatic Fever)
- Chapter 16 - Skin (Impetigo)
- Chapter 20 - General Emergencies and Major Trauma
10.3 - Contract Nurses will be able to complete focused assessments, recognize deviations from normal, analyze assessment and diagnostic findings and develop differential diagnoses that can identify urgent and emergent problems in the sick child. They will understand and determine the need for the appropriate screening and diagnostic tests required treatment of common paediatric illnesses, e.g., blood sugar, Haemoglobin, urinalysis, hearing and vision acuity, ear and throat swab, blood tests.
Contract Nurses will learn to identify common, urgent, and emergent illnesses or conditions, and suitable treatment plans will be made, which best meet the patient’s and family's needs. They will understand how to discuss assessment findings with the patient/caregiver and make appropriate primary prevention, safety, environmental and lifestyle recommendations. Furthermore, Contract Nurses will better understand family structures, how to conduct a family assessment and assess potential for change to assist families in accessing resources to meet health needs of the child.
Module 11: Behavioural Health and Addictions - Adult and Paediatric chronic, acute and emergency presentations
11.1 - Required Pre-Reading:- Paediatric Guidelines - Chapter 19 - Adolescent Health
- Adult Guidelines - Chapter 15 – Mental Health
- ISC - AB - Mental Health Suicide Ideation Policy Feb 2018
11.3 - Contract Nurses will demonstrate how to perform an organized, comprehensive behavioural health assessment. They will adapt assessment techniques to the client's condition, and recognize the deviations and/ or variations from normal findings, as they relate to the current Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) and screening.
They will consult with other healthcare providers regarding assessment in an appropriate and timely manner and perform screening assessments as required, including trauma assessment for patients with acute presentations and addictions.
Contact Nurses will also garner a better understanding to determine the need for appropriate laboratory and diagnostic testing to monitor patients with chronic mental illness on routine pharmacological treatment, as well as to assess and treat drug overdoses or other conditions related to excessive drug or alcohol misuse.
Contract Nurses will learn to utilize evidence-based tools such as the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), as well as the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Score (COWS) and Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol (CIWA-Ar).
Note: Suicide is covered entirely in Module 12.
12.1 Required Pre-Reading:
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health - "Suicide Prevention and Assessment Handbook"
- Adult Guidelines Chapter 15 Mental health - (p. 15-72 to 15-84);
- Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 19 - Adolescent health (p. 19-22 to 19-29)
- Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
- ISC - AB - Mental Health Suicide Ideation Policy Feb 2018
12. 2 - Class Time: 1 hour
12.3 - Contract Nurses will discuss the Nurse’s role in suicide prevention including: Identifying risk and protective factors; identifying warning signs; understanding the importance of “no show” follow up; performing an organized, comprehensive behavioural health assessment, including history and mental status examination.
Contract Nurses will adapt assessment techniques according to the client’s condition, and recognize the deviations and or variations from normal findings, conduct a Suicide Risk Assessment; Identify Non-Pharmacological Interventions; Identify Medevac Criteria; Recognize available community resources; Discuss: Coroner’s inquest findings (Selena Sakanee and Pikangikum First Nation inquests. They will become familiar with the use of the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale, as well as gain familiarity with the use of Form 1 and Form 42.
Contract Nurses will discuss assessment and follow-up of suicide attempt, as well as review Suicide Attempt – Initial Emergency Management for hanging and overdose.
13.1 - Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Intro (p. I-7 to I-9)
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines Chapter 10 - Haematology, Metabolism and Endocrinology
- RESOURCE: Canadian Thoracic Society - Clinical Practice Guideline for COPD
- RESOURCE: Hypertension Canada 2017 Guidelines
- RESOURCE: Kidney Wise Clinical Toolkit
- RESOURCE: Canadian Journal of Diabetes - 2013 Clinical Practice Guidelines (p. S296)
- RESOURCE: Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide - First Nations, Inuit and Métis
- RESOURCE: Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population
- VIDEO: 23 1/2 Hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health? (9m18s)
13.3 - Contract Nurses will learn to recognize the deviations/ variations from normal findings, as they relate to the current clinical practice guidelines. They will help identify potential chronic health problems, and better understand how to routinely manage them . They will understand and determine the need for the appropriate diagnostic testing, including laboratory and imaging used for screening and prevention, and discuss health assessment findings with clients.
Contract Nurses will garner an understanding of common haematologic, endocrine and metabolic conditions such as; Diabetes (Type 1); Diabetes; Anemia (Microcytic, Normocytic, Macrocytic), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension. They will discuss and demonstrate the diabetic foot assessment (monofilament), as well as the use of screening and monitoring tools.
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Intro (p. I-7 to I-9)
14.1 - Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice guidelines - Adult Guidelines: Intro (p. I-7 to I-9)
- FNIHB Clinical Practice guidelines - Adult Guidelines: Chapter 6 Genitourinary System (p. 6-1 to 6-4; 6-20 to 6-35)
- FNIHB Clinical Practice guidelines - Adult Guidelines: Chapter 10 Haematology, Metabolism and Endocrinology (p. 10-31 to 10-34)
- Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
14.2 - Class Time: 1.0 hours
14.3 - Contract Nurses will review how to perform a periodic health exam systematically using an Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation (IPPA) format for both Well Woman and Well Man Exams. They will also be introduced to regular and routine screening for Chronic Disease, as well as Cancer Care Ontario's approach to Preventative Screening. Contract Nurses will also learn to recognize the deviations/ variations from normal findings, as they relate to the current clinical practice guidelines.
15.1 - Required Pre-Reading:
- Adult Guidelines Chapter 13 Women's Health and Gynaecology (p.13-15 to 13-20)
- Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 19 - Adolescent Health (p.19-9 to 19-21)
- SOGC Policy Statement:
Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Realities and Access to Services for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis in Canada
- Canadian Contraceptive Consensus
15.3 - Contract Nurses describe and discuss counselling for contraception, garner a greater understanding of the various types of contraceptive options, identify contraindications for hormonal contraceptive use and investigate emergency contraceptive options.
Contract Nurses will describe and discuss counselling for contraception, understand the various types of contraceptive options, identify contraindications for hormonal contraceptive use and investigate emergency contraceptive and termination options.
16.1 - Required Pre-Reading:
- Adult Guidelines Chapter 12 - Obstetrics
- Adult Guidelines Chapter 13 - Women's Health and Gynaecology
- RESOURCE: Preconception Tool
- RESOURCE: SOGC Policy - Health Professionals Working With First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Consensus Guideline 2013
- RESOURCE: SOGC Policy Statement - Returning birth to indigenous communities
16.3 - Contract Nurses will discuss endocrine issues in obstetrical client including: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, and review chronic conditions including: diabetes (type 1, type 2 and Gestational); depression; addictions; and domestic abuse. Contract Nurses will understand the management of obstetrical clients presenting with common, urgent and or emergent problems, initiate prescription of drugs and therapeutics as appropriate, based on the assessment data safely for prenatal clients and provide health teaching for clients and their caregivers. They will demonstrate knowledge of prenatal checklist, date a new pregnancy using the Maternity Care Calendar, understand key physical exam and laboratory tests for prenatal visit and know important "red flag" signs and symptoms to report.
Contact nurses will review various case studies, explain what maternal serum screening is for, as well as how and when to order this blood test, and explain why, when, and how to swab for Group B Strep.
17.1 - Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Chapter 12 Obstetrics
17.3 - Contract Nurses will identify chief complaints, history of present illness and perform a systematic physical examination, complete a focused assessment, recognize any deviations from normal, analyze assessment findings, and consult appropriately in a timely manner to develop diagnoses for pre and postnatal patients, and understand and determine the need for the appropriate blood work and other diagnostic tests and imaging required to screen and treat common, gynecological, prenatal and postnatal conditions, and manage the care of these clients. They will ensure familiarity with equipment, and ensure that it is operational when needed, e.g., Fetal Heart Dopple
Contract Nurses will discuss common obstetric problems including;
- Group B Streptococcal Infections
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- HELLP Syndrome
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
- Polyhydramnios/ Oligohydramnios
- Bleeding in Pregnancy
- Spontaneous Abortion/Miscarriage
- Antepartum Hemorrhage
- Hydatidiform Mole (Molar pregnancy)
- Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM)
- Preterm Labour and
- Postpartum Hemorrhage.
Contract Nurses will understand and determine the need for the appropriate blood work and diagnostic tests required to screen and treat common, episodic, and/or chronic conditions in prenatal clients, and discuss health assessment findings with clients, as well as understand how to manage the care of prenatal clients presenting with common, urgent and or emergent problems, initiate prescription of drugs and therapeutics as appropriate, based on the assessment data safely for prenatal clients and provide health teaching for clients and their caregivers.
18.1 - Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Adult Guidelines Chapter 12 - Obstetrics
18.3 - Contract Nurses will Review how to complete a focused assessment, recognize deviations from normal analyze assessment findings; identify urgent, and or emergent conditions and how to consult in a timely manner regarding labor and delivery. They will develop an understanding of how to assist a woman through an uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal delivery. Contract Nurses are encouraged to complete the Neonatal Resuscitation Provider (NRP) course certification.
Contract Nurses will view a video presentation outlining a complete prenatal and postnatal assessment, which includes management of care. They will review and complete samples of the Ontario Perinatal Record 2017 on simulated patients, demonstrate the technique of measuring Fundal Height and discuss its significance to fetal development, Leopold's maneuver to determine fetal position, demonstrate use of prenatal equipment, e.g., Fetal Heart Doppler, and demonstrate a complete abdominal examination of a pregnant patient and participate in-group discussion on identifying prenatal abnormalities and or emergencies.
Contract Nurses will also demonstrate emotional support and confidentiality provided during prenatal and postnatal complications, e.g., threatened, spontaneous and elective abortions, ectopic, postpartum hemorrhage, and postpartum depression..
- FNIHB Adult Guidelines Chapter 12 - Obstetrics
19.1 - Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Adult Guidelines Chapter 14 - General Emergencies and Trauma
- FNIHB Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 20 - General Emergencies and Major Trauma
19.3 - Contract Nurses will perform Health Assessments including relevant health history and physical examinations across the lifespan in emergency patients, adapts assessment techniques according to client’s condition and stage of development, analyze the findings from the annual health assessment and synthesizes data from multiple sources to establish a differential and working diagnosis They will identify emergency conditions across the life span communicates verbally and in writing, concise and precise history and physical assessment findings on clients across the lifespan and identify common urgent/emergent problems/conditions.
Contract Nurses will manage care of common/urgent/emergent problems/conditions, evaluate care of common/urgent/emergent problems/conditions affecting clients across the lifespan, including initiating intravenous fluid therapy according to the needs of the client. They will implement general principles and manage medical evacuations, initiate prescription drugs and therapeutics based on assessment data, recognize a psychosocial emergency and its broader impact and manage psychosocial emergencies using knowledge of crisis intervention. They will consult with other health care providers regarding interventions in an appropriate and timely manner ie: CTAS guidelines
Contract Nurses will also recognize the potential impact of community disasters and mass-casualty incidents, identify communicable diseases, proficiently operate specific emergency equipment, e.g., ECG, AED, take steps to ensure that equipment is available and operational when needed, and provide basic interpretation of ECG's and respond appropriately.
- FNIHB Adult Guidelines Chapter 14 - General Emergencies and Trauma
Module 20: Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat; and Neurology Assessment, Acute and Emergent Conditions
20.1 Required Pre-Reading:- Adult Guidelines Chapter 1 Eyes
- Adult Guidelines Chapter 2 Ears, Nose, Throat and Mouth
- Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 8 Eyes
- Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 9 Ears, Nose, Throat and Mouth
20.2 Class Time: 1.5 hours
20.3 Contract Nurses will be introduced to the Central Nervous System and learn how to take a neurological history. They will be provided with an overview of how to perform Mental Status Exam, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and be given instruction on neurological and cranial nerve examination. They will discuss common problems of the Neurological System, including Bell’s palsy, Headache (tension, cluster, migraine) and Temporal Arteritis, and discuss emergent presentations of Meningitis, Seizures, Stroke/ Intracranial Hemorrhage, Coma (Not yet diagnosed) and Head Trauma
Contract Nurses will review HEENT Assessment including: Red Eye Reflex, Fundoscopy, Otoscaopy, Tonsil Size and Cervical Lymph Nodes, they will discuss the application of Sore Throat Score, and how to conduct a rapid Strep swab test. They will review ophthalmology common conditions include conjunctivitis, red eye and glaucoma and Ophthalmic Emergencies including blunt ocular trauma, chemical burns, corneal abrasion, corneal ulcer and foreign body, as well as common ENT conditions include acute otitis media/ externa, tympanic membrane perforation, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, pharyngitis, and infectious mononucleosis and ENT emergencies including peritonsillar abscess, posterior epistaxis, and dental emergencies.
- Pre-Reading: Adult Guidelines Chapter 3 and Chapter 4
Pediatric Guidelines Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 - Class Time: 1.5 hours
- Learning Objectives - Readers will...
- Review general assessment techniques for cardiovascular/respiratory conditions and emergencies, including history taking, physical examinations, and differential diagnoses
- Review adult-specific conditions (ex. Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, etc.)
- Learn methods of assessment of infants and children
- Review pediatric-specific conditions (ex. Cyanosis in newborns, etc.)
- Pre-Reading: Adult Guidelines Chapter 3 and Chapter 4
22.1 Required Pre-Reading:
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Chapter 5 Gastrointestinal
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Chapter 6 Genitourinary
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 12 - Gastrointestinal
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 13 - Genitourinary
22.3 Contract Nurses will review the anatomy and physiology of the Gastrointestinal (GI) and Genitourinary (GU) Systems and history which includes:
- Cardinal symptoms
- Medical history
- Family history and
- Specific Personal history to Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary system
- Colic
- Constipation
- Gastroenteritis
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
- Inguinal Hernia
- Jaundice
- Recurrent Abdominal Pain and
- Umbilical Hernia
- Acute Abdominal Pain
- Appendicitis
- Bowel Obstruction
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Intussusception and
- Nephro/Urolithiasis
Module 23 – Musculoskeletal Assessment, Acute and Emergent Conditions; Basic Radiology Assessment and Casting Skills
23.1. Required Pre-Reading:- Adult Guidelines Chapter 7 - Musculoskeletal System
- Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 14 - Musculoskeletal System
23.3 - Contract Nurses will perform an organized, comprehensive musculoskeletal assessment utilizing the IPPA method, including history, understand basic anatomy, conduct range-of-motion examination, and assess motor skills including:
- Shoulder (Neer’s test, Hawkin’s Test)
- C-Spine (Speed’s test)
- Elbow
- Wrist and Hand (Tinel test, Phalen’s Test for Carpal tunnel
- Hip
- Mechanical Low Back conditions (CORE Back Tool)
- Knee (Drawer tests, Varus/ Valgus tests, Ottawa Knee Rule)
- Ankle (Ottawa Ankle Rule)
- Foot (Ottawa Foot Rule)
- Rotator Cuff Injury
- Referred Pain
- Epicondylitis
- Carpal tunnel, arthritis, trigger finger
- De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
- Osteoarthritis, bursitis
- Sprains
- Fractures
- Radial Gutter
- Ulnar Gutter
- Forearm Volar Splint
- Lower leg back slab
- Stirrup splint
Contract Nurses will demonstrate musculoskeletal assessments of shoulder, elbow, wrist, low back, hip, knee, ankle and foot, and demonstrate application of cast – forearm volar splint.
Module 24 – Dermatology Assessment: Acute and Emergent Conditions; Advanced Wound Care and Suturing Skills
24.1 Required Pre-Reading:- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Chapter 9 - Skin
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Paediatric Guidelines Chapter 16 - Skin
24.3 Contract Nurses will review of the Dermatological System and nomenclature, beginning with a systematic dermatological assessment and history including medical history, family history and personal history specific to the Dermatological symptoms. They will conduct physical examination of the skin, identifying and describing various lesions, and discuss common problems of the Skin including:
- Bacterial (impetigo, MRSA, cellulitis)
- Viral (herpes zoster, molloscum)
- Fungal (tinea, candidiasis)
- Infestations (pediculosis, scabies)
- Inflammatory conditions (atopic dermatitis, eczema)
- Animal and human bites
- Burns
- Frostbite and
- Skin Wounds (lacerations).
- FNIHB Clinical Practice Guidelines - Adult Guidelines Chapter 9 - Skin