NUNAVUT - Agency Nurse Orientation Training Program
Attività settimanale
Nunavut Orientation Overview
Welcome to CHCA's orientation to practice in Nunavut.
CHCA Nurses working in Nunavut will have already completed the Contract Nurse Training Program offered upon initial hire to our agency. This comprehensive orientation program prepares nurses for practice in remote nursing stations in Canada's north.
This Agency Nurse Orientation Training Program (ANOTP) provides nurses with additional Nunavut and Inuit-specific information, in order to practice safely and effectively, and provide the highest possible quality of care for the Inuit people.
Required Pre-Reading:
- ISC Clinical Care Pathways (CPGs) - Adult Guidelines Introduction
- CHCA Workplace Harassment Policy
- Nunavut CHN Manual - Organization
- Nunavut CHN Manual - Standards
- Nunavut CHN Manual - Communications
This module introduces Agency Nurses to the workplace environment, reviews procedures for medical consultation, coordinating schedevac/ medevac patient transfers, including forms and procedures required for consultation, transfer and evacuation of patient to other agencies and hospitals, or health professionals.
Agency Nurses will also review their role as referral agent, and discuss inter-agency collaboration through various methods of communication and consultation including telemedicine.
This module further discusses common types of reportable occurrences and how to effectively manage them, as well as recognition and management of workplace harassment and bullying.
- ISC Clinical Care Pathways (CPGs) - Adult Guidelines Introduction