Heti forma

  • Általános

    • Basic Suturing is a reserved act that is included under Registered Nursing. The College of Registered Nursing Manitoba (CRNM) requires that additional training be provided for some of the reserved acts, including Basic Suturing. 
      In complying with the above section / article (CPE), CHCA Nurses working in Manitoba must take the self-directed online suturing module available through Queen’s University.

  • Queens University: Online Learning Module

    • URL ikon

      The purpose of this tutorial, which includes this online module and a suturing seminar, is to introduce students to the basics of wound management and allow them to practice simple suturing on a prosthetic model. Basic suturing is an essential psychomotor skill in the everyday practice of medicine. Although suturing technique is important, the physician must also have a thorough understanding of wound management in general to effectively care for a patient with a laceration. Students should complete this module and complete the embedded multiple-choice questions prior to their scheduled suturing seminar. There will be a brief multiple-choice exam based on this material at the beginning of the seminar.