Heti forma

  • Általános

  • Remedial Module 3 - Team Communication, Patient Transport procedures and reporting

    • 3.1 - Pre-Reading and resource: Adult Guidelines Intro (p. 4-7)
    • 3.2 - Lecture Time: 1 hour

    3.3 - This module introduces Contract Nurses to the workplace environment, reviews procedures for medical consultation, coordinating schedevac/ medevac patient transfers, including forms and procedures required for consultation, transfer and evacuation of patient to other agencies and hospitals, or health professionals. 

    Contract Nurses will also review their role as referral agent, and discuss inter-agency collaboration through various methods of communication and consultation including telemedicine. 

    This module further discusses the use of workload measurement software, common types of reportable occurrences and how to effectively manage them, as well as recognition and management of workplace harassment and bullying. 

    Címkék: 4 Webcímek: 5 Fájlok: 24 Teszt: 1