ALBERTA - Contract Nurse Training Program
ALBERTA - Contract Nurse Training Program: Alle Teilnehmer/innen
Verzeichnis CARNA - Practice Standards and Guidelines
Verzeichnis Canadian Nurses' Protective Society
Verzeichnis Indigenous Services Canada - Alberta Region Policy Manual
Forum Announcements
Module 1: Welcome to Canadian Health Care Agency!
Verzeichnis Admininstrative Documents
Module 3 - Team Communication, Patient Transport procedures and reporting
Module 4: Documentation, Confidentiality, Triage and Telemedicine
Module 5: Introduction to Prescribing in Northern Communities and Controlled Substances Policy
Module 6: Introduction to Laboratory Operations
Verzeichnis Lab Interpretation
Test Quiz - M06 - Laboratory Operations
Module 7: Paediatric and Adult Immunizations
Verzeichnis Immunization Patient Resources
Module 8: Public Health: Communicable Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Contact Tracing
Verzeichnis RESOURCE: Communicable Disease Fact Sheets
Verzeichnis RESOURCE: Influenza
Verzeichnis RESOURCE: Rabies
Verzeichnis RESOURCE - Tuberculoisis
Test QUIZ - M08 - Public Health, CD and STI's
Module 9: Neonatal, Well Infant and Well Child Health Assessment and Paediatric Nutrition
Verzeichnis RESOURCE: Infant Assessment
Verzeichnis RESOURCE: Infant Feeding
Verzeichnis TOOL: LOOKSEE Checklist (formerly Nipissing Development Screening Tool)
Test Quiz - M09 - Paediatrics (Well Child)
Module 10: Assessment of the Sick Child - Acute, Urgent and Emergent presentations and procedures
Verzeichnis RESOURCES: Bronchiolitis Treatment Guidelines
Verzeichnis RESOURCE: Erikson's Psychosocial Stages Summary
Verzeichnis RESOURCES: Fever Management
Verzeichnis RESOURCES: Paediatric Assessment
Verzeichnis RESOURCES: Paediatric Rashes
Verzeichnis TOOLS: Paediatric Procedures
Verzeichnis TOOL: Paediatric Fluid Replacement
Module 11: Behavioural Health and Addictions - Adult and Paediatric chronic, acute and emergency presentations
Verzeichnis RESOURCES: Sexual Assault
Verzeichnis Sexual Assault Resources
Verzeichnis Alcohol Withdrawal Resources
Verzeichnis Child Abuse and Neglect Resources
Verzeichnis Mental Health Tools
Test Quiz- M11 - Behavioural Health and Addictions
Module 12: Suicide Prevention, Assessment and Treatment of the Suicidal Patient
Module 15: Contraceptive Methods and Management
Module 16: Routine and High-Risk Prenatal, Post-Partum and Gynaecological Health Assessment
Verzeichnis Prenatal Resources
Verzeichnis Prenatal Screening Resources
Verzeichnis Postnatal Resources
Test Quiz - M16 - Routine and High-Risk Prenatal
Module 20: Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat; and Neurology Assessment, Acute and Emergent Conditions
Module 22: Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Assessment, Acute and Emergent Conditions
Test Quiz - M22 - GI/GU